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ZBA Public Hearing 10/17/07
Jackson Board of Adjustment
Business Meeting
October 17, 2007

Members in Attendance: Theodore Brown, Roger Chambers Debra Crowther, Kurt Kramp and Helene Matesky. Alternates attending were Lisa Macallister and David Urey. Susan Way is our recording secretary. Frank Benesh, our new alternate, was unable to addend. David Mason also attended.

The meeting began at 7:00 PM. with Roger Chambers, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment presiding. Roger asked Helene if anyone notified him that they were not attending tonight. She had received an email from Frank Benesh, our new alternate, that he would be unable to attend tonight. The five members present do constitute a quorum.

Agenda:  There is no agenda tonight. This is an open meeting.
Unfinished Business – there was none.
Other Business

Kurt Kramp asked for a report on meetings that he understood people have attended. Helene reported that she had attended  The Office of Energy and Planning Training Conference October 13, with an emphasis on various legal issues including variances. She is going to gather this information into a presentation for the next meeting.

David Mason, Chairman of the Planning Board, came to the meeting tonight to discuss some Supreme Court findings. The Planning Board has been having an ongoing discussion of our zoning ordinance especially after a ruling regarding Boccia & Simplex. Attorney Rob Upton reports that there is no law to support this. The Planning Board would recommend that #6 be eliminated and wants the Board of Adjustment’s input. The Board agreed that #6 could be eliminated. Kurt Kramp made a motion that we recommend which states “the specific variance is the minimum variance necessary for a reasonable use of the land or structure” be deleted and brought up at Town Meeting. David Urey seconded the motion; there was no discussion and all voted favorably.

David Mason distributed a working draft on Accessory Apartments that the Planning
Board has been working on so that the Board of Adjustment could see what is being done. David Urey asked if they felt that this was progress and many members felt that it was.

Helene handed out Zoning Board Roles and Responsibilities and a 2007 update of the NH Boards of Adjustment manual.  
Helene suggested that other members should go to these training sessions as they were very worthwhile.

Roger Chambers asked if the members felt that a November meeting was necessary. It was agreed that if no new business was presented that the November meeting would be cancelled.

Roger also asked if anyone hears of someone who is interested in serving on the board to please let him know. There may be a vacancy for an alternate.

There being no further discussion, Kurt Kramp made a motion to adjourn; Debra Crowther seconded the motion and all voted favorably. Chairman Roger Chambers adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Susan G. Way
Recording Secretary
October 21, 2007

PUBLIC COMMENTS/CHANGES –Changes in writing should be sent to Roger Chambers, Chairman, Jackson Board of Adjustment, PO Box 268, Jackson, NH within 7 days, in order for consideration by the Board at the next meeting.

A complete text of the By-Laws and other Board of Adjustment (ZBA) information can be found on under Boards and Commissions.